Safety and Hygiene

We stress the importance of safety and hygiene to ensure our children to learn in a safe, sanitary and spotless environment where the health of students and teachers are protected. In the event of any disease outbreak in the community, the trend will be closely monitored. Relevant measures will be taken with reference to the guidelines issued by Education Bureau, Centre for Health Protection and Social Welfare Department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Parents will be informed as soon as possible.

Safety Measures

School is regularly inspected by the officials of Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Koto Ward Child Care centre Monthly fire and earthquake drill for whole School
Teacher is trained in first aid and fire safety
Has two exits in opposite directions, neither exit opens directly onto the street
The school is located on the first floor of an apartment complex with more than 1000 apartments, so there is no vehicular traffic in the immediate vicinity
We have safety hoods that are easily accessible, for each child, in case of an emergency

Hygiene Measures

Tables are wiped down after every meal using disinfectant spray
Restrooms and wash basin are cleaned regularly
Since we tend to sit on the floor, the floor is vacuumed/swept daily and mopped using “pine sol” every Friday after school.
Air purifier/humidifier is installed We provide filtered water for our kids using Aquaclara water server